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London has a huge impact not only in the national recovery but also in the global economy. The city offers different job opportunities that attract talented, skilled people from all over the world.
According to a recent study conducted by Deloitte, the UK capital is the world’s top employer of high-skilled people. From retail, investment banking to digital media and the law sector 1.5 million people in total were found employed in knowledge-based jobs.
The report known as ‘Globaltown: Winning London’s crucial battle for talent’ shows that London is the largest employer in 12 of 22 high-skill sectors. New York was in second position with 1.2 million high-skilled people employed and Los Angeles in third place with 784, 000.
So, despite the challenges that the city may offer can graduates rely on London for employment prospects?
The study suggests that graduates can expect positive outcomes in looking for graduate jobs in London after gaining their degrees. Kit Malthouse, deputy mayor for business and enterprise at the Greater London Authority (GLA) said: “London has long been a magnet for talented individuals and has also nurtured native-born talent through the excellence of its universities, colleges and on-the-job opportunities”.
But if every talented and skilled person is moving to London would that not make the city more competitive than it is already? Send us your views on Twitter or comment below.
By Selasie Tandoh
*Image courtesy of Chris Turner, Christine Matthews